warouter module

Warouter is a simple routing wrapper around webapp2.

It provides url inheritance for handlers and a convenient uri_for() function which can be called with a handler, instead of a string name.

A WSGIApplication mixin is provided which can handle a list of url() decorator handlers.


>>> import warouter
>>> import webapp2
>>> @warouter.url('/')
... class RootHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
...     def get(self):
...         self.response.write('root')
>>> @warouter.url('/child/<child_param:([a-z]+)>')
... class ChildHandler(RootHandler):
...     def get(self, child_param):
...         self.response.write(child_param)
...     def put(self, child_param):
...         pass
>>> @warouter.url('/grandchild/<grandchild_param:([a-z]+)>')
... class GrandChildHandler(ChildHandler):
...     def get(self, child_param, grandchild_param):
...         self.response.write('
'.join([child_param, grandchild_param]))
...     def post(self, child_param, grandchild_param):
...         self.response.write(warouter.uri_for(ChildHandler,
...                                              child_param=child_param))
>>> assert RootHandler.url == '/'
>>> assert ChildHandler.url == '/child/<child_param:([a-z]+)>'
>>> assert GrandChildHandler.url == (
...     '/child/<child_param:([a-z]+)>/grandchild/<grandchild_param:([a-z]+)>')
>>> assert GrandChildHandler.put is None
>>> app = warouter.WSGIApplication([
...     RootHandler,
...     ChildHandler,
...     GrandChildHandler
... ])
>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
...     from paste import httpserver
...     httpserver.serve(app, port='8080')

The above example requires Paste, which can be installed using:

$ pip install paste
class warouter.WSGIApplicationMixin(mapping, *args, **kwargs)

This mixin allows a list of url() decorated request handlers to be passed to the WSGI application mapping instead of webapp2.Route objects or tuples.

warouter_logger = logging
warouter_logging_level = logging.NOTSET
warouter_logging_format = '{0} → {1.__module__}.{1.__name__}'
class warouter.WSGIApplication(mapping, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: warouter.WSGIApplicationMixin, webapp2.WSGIApplication

Implements WSGIApplicationMixin and webapp2.WSGIApplication for convenience.

warouter.uri_for(handler, *args, **kwargs)

Gets the uri for a handler based on its url.


A string containing the url for the handler.

Return type:


warouter.url(url, **param_mapping)

Specifies a url for a webapp2.RequestHandler.

This decorator specifies a url for a handler by appending it to the url of its parent handlers.

A param mapping may be specified as keyword arguments. the url parameters will be matched against these values and be converted by the callable specified as the kwarg value.

  • url (basestring) – The url to append to the decorated handler.
  • **param_mapping – A dict of key, value pairs where the key specifies the name of a url parameter to vonvert and the value a callable used to convert the url parameter.